A place where I can leave my thoughts, ideas, and rants about anything and everything. From my hobbies and life to my pet peeves. Soon this will be just as cluttered as the inside of my head.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

long days and pleasant nights

So who excited for the upcoming Stephen King Dark Tower movie? It has been a long time coming but hopefully they used this time wisely and prepared a grand adventure for us.

I have been a fan of the Dark Tower series since finding the Gunslinger in a second hand shop back when I was still in high school. A female friend even told me that I was her gunslinger, here to save her from her wretched life. The world has moved on for the two of us but the name stuck with me and yes that is the reason why the blog is named such.

I've had several copies of the books, most have been past on to friends and family. I have always wanted a set of hardcover editions but could never afford them. Last year I wished to join the ka tet one again but my sister still held ownership of my current collection, even thought they were lost from their recent move. I finally broke down and started searching for hardcover versions of the series. Most were acquired within a couple of weeks through the use of eBay, several were only a small percentage of their value new, a couple did cost me almost their full retail price but they were all worth getting.

The nightly Stitch sits on top his throne, my niece sent me a gift along with the books.

In total I now have a full set of the seven books in the series, the later added wind through the keyhole, and even found a book containing a shirt sorry that lived in the Dark Tower universe. Of course after finishing my collection my sister found the list books and sent then home to me, so I have two complete sets one in paperback and one hardcover.

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