A place where I can leave my thoughts, ideas, and rants about anything and everything. From my hobbies and life to my pet peeves. Soon this will be just as cluttered as the inside of my head.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

The old man

The old man shuffles out of his bedroom and finds his house once again empty. His companions talked the night before and agreed to leave early that morning to get a head start and move on. The group of men, women, and a couple of children all had lived with the old man since it happened, since the world went to ruin. The old man was now, for the first time in a couple years, alone.

He made himself a simple breakfast, his thoughts wonder to what was discussed the night before. How the supply runs brought back less and less, that there had to be something better out there. He ate slowly, continue to wonder why he didn't just along with his companions. Going with them would have been a better choice, why did he had to be so stubborn and stay behind. Finishing breakfast he began to clean his dishes and put everything away. He made up his mind, rather he changed his mind, he started to gather things from around the house.

First the bathroom; grabbing the toilet paper, soap, and his hygiene kit. In the kitchen he removed the freshly cleaned dishes, food stocks, and several more items. He went room to room only taking what was necessary to take with him. Everything was organized and boxed up to be packed into the jeep he had parked outside. With the small utility trailer there was only so much he could take. He finished loading the trailer and threw a tarp over it, tying it down securely. He secured two fuel cans to the front of the trailer and one more to the rear of the jeep. Once he was satisfied that he got everything he climbed into the vehicle and looked at the house one last time. He headed down the drive and onto the deserted highway in the direction his companions went.

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